Howdy from Texas Fellow Aspiring Writers,
In-laws are a good point of strife in a romance, future or current. Feel like you need a little more tension? Throw in a picky mother-in-law, an angry father-in-law, a jealous brother or sister-in-law, and watch the sparks fly. Your couple has so many obstacles to overcome then the in-laws can always add the straw that broke the camel's back. Any situation with in-laws, even amiable ones, can add a touch of tension. Most of the time though, a situation with in-laws is more similar to walking the sharp edge of a dagger where by the time your characters reaches the end they would likely prefer to have run the blade through their heart. Well, at least until they are saved by their love interest.
In-law character interaction is easy to find inspiration for, simply use your own experiences, friends, relatives, and yes; even your parents are wonderful sources. You will likely find an overabundance of stories to draw from toward your goal of a better story.
Happy writing,
Carolyn Haven