
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Santa is Real

Dear Readers and Papa Fans,

Papa the gremlin wanted me to sit with him outside so we could wait for Santa with a plate of goodies.  We discussed for a little while about whether Santa is real or not.

I think I spoiled his night when I told him no.  He got mad at me and went to bed early.  The discussions I have with the demented gremlin are surreal.

Happy Reading and Happy Holidays,
Carolyn Haven

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Demented Words of Wisdom

Dear Papa the Gremlin Enthusiasts,

We were slowing at a stale yellow light.  A commercial van breezed by us, flying right through the red light.  Papa said, "Guess he has faith in God.". Had to share.

Happy Reading,

Carolyn Haven