
Friday, June 25, 2010

Finding an Agent

I'm waiting to hear from one agent now, but soon I hope to be waiting on others. I'm not a big wait type person, especially when I really want something. Yuck!!! Oh well, this will be worth the wait. Today I choose the three chapters I feel will grab an agent the most, and begin on more query letters. Cross your fingers for me and blow me a kiss of Pixie dust for luck.

Remember what they say about finding an agent.  Patience, patience, patience, and finally more patience.  I've heard the same thing about getting published.  The two main assests writers need are patience and persistence.

1 comment:

  1. I have NO patience! It's why I chose to focus more on practice than research in my field, because I couldn't tolerate the 4+ years it took from the start of a research project to getting a paper published in scientific journal. And now fiction writing seems to have that 4+ year thing going on too. ;) Luckily fiction writing is a lot more fun than scientific writing! Hang in there and good luck. Jen


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