
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Emotional Scenes

July 21, 2015

Dear Reader,

 I was crying when my husband came in from work, and he asked me what was wrong.  I told him I was okay, just that a scene got to me.  He smiled, then pulled me forward in an embrace, and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

He asked, “One of yours?”


He said, “Then I know it’s good.”

His comments made me realize just how much, writing affects readers, and inspired me to share our moment with you.
Happy Reading,
Carolyn Haven

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Write, Edit, Listen, Revise

Dear Reader,

As the writer, you know more about the story than anyone, so can sometimes overlook important details needed to bring the reader to the knowledge, understanding, or point you want them to find.  You know how a sentence is supposed to read.  You know what you want communicated with your words.  Your mind can sometimes supply words or phrases that your fingers missed with keystrokes.  For these reasons and more, when you read your work, you should read it aloud, put it on a program to read the work to you, and have others read your work.  But do your wonderful alpha through omega readers a favor with edit, listen, and revise before you pass your WIP on to them.  Your efforts will be appreciated, and improve your craft.

Happy Word Crafting,


Carolyn Haven