
Thursday, July 8, 2021

Goodbye, Pappa

Dear Fans, Friends, and Loved Ones of Pappa the Gremlin,

Pappa has been on hospice for a couple of months with terminal colon cancer.  He was up and about sneaking sweet snacks from the kitchen last night.  Today, he was talking about momma, his late wife, the love of his life.  He was telling all the care givers about how he missed momma and was ready to see her.  Then he developed a cough and became listless.  The care providers called me and my husband.  Hospice called us, this afternoon, when he became unresponsive.  By 7:45 PM, he was gone.  No pain, no suffering.  He had a peaceful look about him.  Good-bye Pappa.  You will be missed.  Hug momma for us.  We love you.

With a Heavy Heart, 

Carolyn Haven

Sunday, February 14, 2021

A Chance of Snow

Hello Readers,

There is an 80% chance of snow here, near the Gulf of Mexico, in the usual subtropical climate, where I still have citrus fruit growing, where I harvested lettuce a little early, where it doesn't snow.

Well, hardly ever, anyways.  I had to cover my plants for the first time in a few years. 
So, due to the unusual weather, we've been weatherizing and peeping like crazy.  Windows and doors resealed, plastic and old sheets everywhere.  Thank goodness for Goodwill on that front.

Tubs will be filled tonight for toilet flushing in case we lose water, portable heaters are ready for use if we lose power, and snacks and drinks are ready for consumption.  A few of the treats may have been tested for quality assurance.  Or that's what I told my hubby when he cleaned a dribble of chocolate from my chin.  

The critters, Thor and Socks, are snug in their beds.  Papa the Gremlin is snug in a dragon insie and plenty of quilts.  Which brings me to warm wishes for all of you this winter season.

Stay Warm,

Carolyn Haven